
Our faculty and students conduct groundbreaking research on different policy topics.

Looking for our faculty members? View our directory or our impact areas for subject-matter experts.

Student research

Teams of our graduate students produce research-based reports for clients in the public, non-governmental, and private sectors as part of their capstone and cost benefit-analysis courses.

Submit a proposal

Faculty awards

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The Herb Kohl Public Service Research Competition

The Herb Kohl Public Service Research Competition supports nonpartisan research by our faculty members that informs critical public policy and governance debates and advances evidence-based decision-making.

Learn about the award

The Jerry and Mary Cotter Faculty Fellow

The Jerry and Mary Cotter Faculty Fellow award supports a faculty member who is contributing to research and/or policy development that would improve the legislative branches of government. Preference is given to La Follette School faculty members and faculty affiliates; however, other University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty members may apply. Funding may be used for research support activities, course design, or summer research salary support, or to organize or attend a conference.

The Daniel Louis and Genevieve Rustvold Goldy Faculty Fellow

The Daniel Louis and Genevieve Rustvold Goldy Faculty Fellow award provides funding for research activities, for summer research salary support, or to organize or attend a conference. Preference is given to La Follette School faculty members conducting interdisciplinary research on emerging policy issues; however, faculty affiliates at the University of Wisconsin–Madison may receive the award if no La Follette School faculty member is deemed appropriate.

Faculty working papers

These pre-publication versions of academic articles, book chapters, and other works are in various stages of completion, offering insight into our current research before it is published in peer-reviewed outlets.

Read working papers

Faculty awards and publications

Research awards

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The Herb Kohl Public Service Research Competition

The Herb Kohl Public Service Research Competition supports nonpartisan research by La Follette School faculty members that informs critical public policy and governance debates and advances evidence-based decision-making. Two types of awards are available: research awards and outreach awards. Learn more.

The Jerry and Mary Cotter Faculty Fellow

The Jerry and Mary Cotter Faculty Fellow award supports a faculty member who is contributing to research and/or policy development that would improve the legislative branches of government. Preference is given to La Follette School faculty members and faculty affiliates; however, other University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty members may apply. Funding may be used for research support activities, course design, or summer research salary support, or to organize or attend a conference.

The Daniel Louis and Genevieve Rustvold Goldy Faculty Fellow

The Daniel Louis and Genevieve Rustvold Goldy Faculty Fellow award provides funding for research activities, for summer research salary support, or to organize or attend a conference. Preference is given to La Follette School faculty members conducting interdisciplinary research on emerging policy issues; however, faculty affiliates at the University of Wisconsin–Madison may receive the award if no La Follette School faculty member is deemed appropriate.

Research publications

Research from the La Follette School of Public Affairs including working papers, policy reports, and more key publications.

Research publications