Chairs at the Memorial Union Terrace

Alumni and friends

A network of more than 2,000 La Follette School alumni and friends stay connected through news, social media, financial support, and sharing updates about themselves.


Get the latest news and stay up to date on what’s going on at La Follette.


Give back

There are a number of ways to keep the La Follette School spirit alive.


Share updates

We want to hear about your successes and how things are going.



More events


Share an update

The La Follette School encourages alumni and friends to share news about their careers, families, achievements, and hobbies for inclusion in the News & Notes newsletter. You can also email updates to:

Two students having a conversation

Social media

Stay up to date with the latest news and events by following the La Follette School on social media.

Man being filmed on social media

Subscribe to our emails

Subscribers can choose to receive our monthly newsletter, notices about public events, or occasional opportunities for alumni and friends to engage with the school.

A person checking email

Explore alumni news and profiles

Sharing news about the latest development from our alumni around the world.

Fountain at Alumni Park

Career development for alumni and friends

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Job seekers

Alumni considering job changes may sign up for the Jobs4Alumni list serve (email list), which disseminates job announcements for more experienced applicants.

To join the email list:

  1. Send your name and e-mail address to
  2. Use the subject line: “Jobs4Alumni”

To view job listings:

  1. Contact the La Follette School career development coordinator:
  2. They’ll help  create an account to access the listings via a tool called “Handshake.”

Connect via LinkedIn

Alumni, friends and students are invited to join the La Follette group on LinkedIn, a professional networking web site. Joining allows members to find and contact other La Follette members on LinkedIn. As the site’s administrator, the school’s career development coordinator ensures every member has a professional connection to La Follette. This group helps members to:

  • Reach individual members from La Follette, who are all students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the school
  • Accelerate careers and business through referrals from La Follette group members
  • Know more than a name by viewing rich professional profiles from fellow La Follette group members
  • Contact participating alumni and friends as a group


The annual Alumni of Distinction Award recognizes alumni for their contributions to the La Follette School and outstanding service throughout their careers.


You can help make the La Follette School of Public Affairs even better by contributing your time, expertise, and financial support.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.


Each year, hundreds of La Follette School alumni and friends volunteer their time and talents with our students and School. THANK YOU!

You can pay it forward through events like speed networking, mock interviews, student mentoring, class reunions, and more.

Volunteer with La Follette

The La Follette School can work with you too
Several La Follette School courses provide students with opportunities to conduct research and analysis while contributing to the capacity of partner organizations.  Your business can serve as a client for class project, something we call “service learning.”

Questions? Email


Alumni and friends can share with students information about their jobs and workplaces through professional development activities that include speed networking, mentoring, and informational interviews.

To get involved:


Gifts to the La Follette School help fund learning opportunities for students and vital research on policy issues. Donations help the La Follette School provide financial support to students and carry out its practice of the Wisconsin Idea.

Robert M La Follette plaque at Alumni Park

Highlights report

Pages from the La Follette School's 2022-2023 Highlights Report