Experiential learning

Some La Follette School graduate courses provide students with opportunities to conduct research and analysis while contributing to the capacity of partner organizations.

Through these courses, students live out the Wisconsin Idea – the principle that research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison can and should improve the lives of people in Wisconsin and elsewhere.

Are you looking to partner with our students? Submit a project proposal.

How Experiential Learning works

The required Workshop in Public Affairs (domestic and international) and other courses match student groups with public, nonprofit, and private organizations to address real-world challenges. While completing these client-based projects, students gain practical experience applying the tools of political, economic, and statistical analysis and evaluation. They also gain experience writing an in-depth report and presenting it to their client.

Clients range from local, state, and national government offices to international development organizations for whom students produce research-based, analytical, evaluative, and prescriptive reports.

Courses that include Experiential Learning

The following La Follette School courses also provide opportunities for public, nonprofit, and private organizations to work with student groups. More information about these courses and other opportunities is available via the links below or by emailing Associate Director Steve Kulig.