Shared-Ride Taxi Regionalization for the Cities of Hudson, New Richmond, and River Falls

In this report, La Follette students assess the feasibility of regionalizing shared-ride taxi systems in three northwestern Wisconsin communities. 

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This report analyzes the feasibility of regionalizing the shared-ride taxi (SRT) systems for the Wisconsin cities of Hudson, New Richmond, and River Falls. Currently, all three nearby cities operate their own SRT service. Administrative tasks are duplicated, and clients typically can only travel within their own city. Regionalization would allow residents to travel between the cities and consolidate administrative tasks. The report considers the status quo in which all three cities keep their SRT systems along with two regionalization alternatives. One would employ River Falls’ existing fare structure while the other would use the median of the three cities’ existing fares. The report concludes that the cities should regionalize their SRT systems and apply the median fares of the three cities. It also recommends that the cities engage in community planning processes and consider expanding their SRT system to other nearby municipalitiesThis project was done in cooperation with UniverCity Alliance.


  • Course: Workshop in Public Affairs, PA 869 taught by Manny Teodoro, Spring 2024
  • Authors: Katie Gienapp, Johanna Schmidt, Quinn Wakley, and Yiding (Gilbert) Zhang
  • Client: City of River Falls