Electrifying the City of Madison’s Vehicle Fleet: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

In this report, La Follette students analyze multiple options for the City of Madison to consider in its efforts to achieve a fully electrified vehicle fleet by 2030. 

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This cost-benefit analysis compares two alternatives for converting the City of Madison’s roster of vehicles into a fully electric fleet by 2030, which would make it the first of its kind in North America. One alternative involves purchasing vehicles, while the other involves a leasingtoown option currently being discussed with Enterprise that would see the City take ownership of the vehicles after five-year leases. For each alternative, the analysis looks at three different scenarios with varying electric vehicle costs and rates of decarbonization for the state’s energy grid, finding that leasing to own yields greater net benefits in all three scenarios explored.


  • Course: Cost-Benefit Analysis Public Affairs 881 taught by Morgan Edwards, Fall 2023
  • Authors: Josh Owens, Troy Wilson, Xinran Wu, and Andrew Zaiser
  • Client: City of Madison Fleet Services