Rate Case Filing Frequency and Water Utility Performance in Wisconsin

In this report, La Follette students analyze the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin’s recommendations for rate case filing frequency and their effects on utility performance. 

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This report assesses the effects of Public Service Commission (PSC) of Wisconsin rate case filing recommendations on utility performance. A rate case filing is the process in which public utilities file for permission from the PSC to change the rates they charge customers for heat, electricity, or water. The PSC is an independent regulator that oversees these utilities and recommends specific filing frequencies for rate adjustments. The report finds that utility performance does not improve with adherence to these recommendations. Instead, utilities typically file when necessary due to infrastructure needs or customer affordability concerns. The report recommends that the PSC reconsider its emphasis on rate case filing frequency and focus more on performance indicators to gauge utility health. Additionally, legislative adjustments regarding rate modifications and comprehensive performance evaluation methods like the Water Systems Excellence Project could improve regulatory effectiveness and customer satisfaction while promoting utility improvements in Wisconsin


  • Course: Workshop in Public Affairs, PA 869 taught by Manny Teodoro, Spring 2024
  • Authors: Ryan Thiele, Chloe Kepler, Jeffrey Eychaner, and Robert Abrahamian
  • Client: Wisconsin Public Service Commission