Digital Learning Trends and Promising Practices in Wisconsin Public School Districts

Since 2010, U.S. employers created millions of jobs that require digital literacy. Because the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction strives to make children college and career ready, digital learning is now a critical component of Wisconsin’s schools. This report analyzes the state of digital learning in Wisconsin using district-level survey data of 398 of Wisconsin’s public school districts and nine semi-structured interviews from three of those districts. This report evaluates digital learning through four focus areas, planning, content, staffing, and infrastructure. Analysis suggests that on the whole, Wisconsin’s schools are planning around digital learning, but persistent gaps based on locale, race, and socioeconomic status exist. Recommendations include emphasizing professional development focused on digital learning, collecting data at the school level, and fostering inter-district knowledge mobilization.


  • Course: Spring 2019 Workshop in Public Affairs, PA 869, taught by J. Michael Collins
  • Authors:  Ari Brown, Jonathan Harper, Rebecca Hoppe, Elizabeth Janeczko, Eva Vasiljevic
  • Client: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

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