Using a Resilience Strategy to Address the Social Effects of Climate Change in Madison, Wisconsin

The greater Madison area recently experienced extreme climate events, namely the August 2018 floods and the January 2019 polar vortex. In response, the City of Madison requested an analysis of how Madison can become more resilient to these sorts of events. This report begins by identifying populations in Madison who will face disproportionate social effects associated with extreme climate events. It also looks to peer cities in various stages of resilience planning to help determine best practices for creating a Madison-specific resilience strategy. Key recommendations include targeting the year 2023 for the completion of a resilience strategy and hiring a Chief Resilience Officer, who will spearhead the resilience planning process.


  • Course: Spring 2019 Workshop in Public Affairs, PA 869, taught by J. Michael Collins
  • Authors:  Brittaini Maul, Noah Roberts, Ryan Spaight, Vanessa Studer, Chris Webb, and Claire Zautke
  • Client: Jeanne Hoffman, The City of Madison

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