This course provides an introduction to international trade policy. Its purpose is to provide students with an understanding of international trade theory, rules, politics and institutions and the major policy issues facing the global trading system. The first part of the course presents a treatment of the theory of international trade. It explores the rationale for free trade, the distributional impact of trade, the impact of tariffs and quotas, and the challenges presented by deeper international economic integration.
PA 857 Political Economy of Corruption and Good Governance
Surveys wide range of multidisciplinary research on causes and consequences of widespread corruption and experiences of anticorruption reform strategies, with focus on developing countries.
PA 860 Workshop in International Public Affairs
Workshop in program evaluation and policy analysis taught through student teams working on real-world international issues for agencies in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Teaches analytical skills, report preparation and writing, and presentation of results.
PA 863 Health Systems and Policy
This course offers a survey of health care and public health systems, with a particular focus on factors and policies that influence health equity and disparities in the United States.
PA 864 Health Policy and Policy Design
A survey course on health-care policy in the United States, including examination of the design of health policy and the politics of health care reform.
PA 866 Global Environmental Governance
In-depth examination of the political and policy challenges posed by global environmental degradation. Analysis of international institutions for managing the global environment.
PA 869 Workshop in Public Affairs
Workshop in program and policy analysis taught through student teams working on real problems for public agencies and organizations; teaches analytical skills, report preparation and writing; and presentations of results.
PA 871 Public Program Evaluation
Public Program Evaluation presents strategies for evaluating the efficacy of public programs, as well as strategies for addressing the challenges of applying program evaluation methods in “real world” policy settings. Topics include evaluation ethics, logic model development, experimental and quasi-experimental methods, outcome measurement, and communicating evaluation results. Learning is applied to a client-sponsored evaluation project.
PA 873 Introduction to Policy Analysis
This course develops skills in policy analysis in two ways. First, it sets out the conceptual foundations for understanding the role of policy analysis in democratic politics. Second, it provides training and experience in policy analysis craft.
PA 874 Policy Making Process
An intensive study of policymaking processes involved in the formulation of public policies.