Kiersten Frobom, MPA, MPH

Hometown San Diego, California Undergraduate education Bachelor’s degree in U.S. History, Certificate in Women’s Studies, UW-Madison Research interests Systems and determinants of health, gender Expected graduation date May 2019 Why an MPA/MPH? Studying history as …

Carolyn Hill (MA ’96)

Karl Scholz was instrumental in opening up the possibility of me of getting a PhD and thinking about the best kind of program given my interests. I loved my coursework and learning at La Follette.

Joshua Williams (MIPA ’13)

La Follette courses provided me with an extremely solid foundation in applied research methods, which has allowed me to more quickly pursue my current research than might otherwise have been possible.

Margarita Northrop, MIPA/MPH

Undergraduate education Bachelor’s degrees in political science and international studies, certificate in global health, University of Wisconsin–Madison; bachelor’s degree equivalent in economics of trade from the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria Professional/research …