Undergraduate education
University of Chicago
South Milwaukee, WI
La Follette School of Public Affairs
Job Title
Start Date
September 2019
What are your primary job responsibilities?
As the Administrator, I lead the La Follette School Administrative Team and supervise staff responsible for the School’s operations. Our team performs all human resources, payroll, budget, financial, building management, and other administrative functions.
How do you use what you learned at La Follette on the job?
My job often requires breaking down complex problems and helping to find solutions. I regularly draw upon the analytical tools I developed at the La Follette School to gather information, evaluate options and develop evidence-based recommendations.
What drew you to the La Follette School?
The La Follette School was recommended to me by an alum. I was drawn to the coursework that could develop my quantitative skills and to the wide variety of elective courses that I could choose from. I knew that I wanted to use my MPA in public service and was drawn to the La Follette School as the embodiment of the Wisconsin Idea.
Did you have a project assistantship or internship while at La Follette?
I had a project assistantship at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. In that role, I worked on a project that evaluated the policies and procedures for administering the state’s federally funded public and specialized transit programs and assisted with preparations for the state’s triennial review. In my current position, I regularly interpret, develop, and implement policies and procedures ranging from human resources to financial practices. I use many of the concepts I learned in my project assistantship, especially as they relate to financial oversight, in my work today.
What impact did your client-based projects have on your education and/or career?
Client-based projects allowed me to concretely apply the tools I learned in my coursework to real-world problems. Not only did client-based projects strengthen my analytical skills, but they also allowed me to develop teamwork, communication, and project management skills that are pivotal in the workplace. While these client-based projects were among the most challenging experiences I had at the La Follette School, they were also the most rewarding. Some of the greatest lessons and connections I took from the La Follette School came from these projects.
How have La Follette alumni, faculty members, or friends have helped you with your career path?
My career path has been helped by countless La Follette School alumni over the years. I have been fortunate to have several mentors throughout my career that provided guidance and support and enjoyed the company of Bob colleagues at most jobs I have worked. The La Follette School ties are far-reaching and alumni regularly support one another long after graduation. Some of my closest friends are La Follette School alumni.