Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: Localization in Kenya, Kosovo, and the Philippines

The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) supports local initiatives in vulnerable communities around the world to help strengthen their resilience to violent extremism. This report utilizes case studies of Kenya, Kosovo, and the Philippines to analyze how each country incorporates local level actors within their respective National Action Plan (NAP) to prevent and counter violent extremism. To understand local efforts, we completed a three-step analysis. First, we performed a literature review covering both decentralization and decision space analysis. Next, we reviewed each NAP, giving a summary of the plan, its goals, and the stakeholders involved. Finally, we developed a qualitative coding schema to comprehensively assess NAPs in terms of best practices laid out by the United Nations. The analysis suggests GCERF can strengthen their local effectiveness by focusing on the following policy initiatives: promoting empowerment, supporting capacity building, and connecting with development agencies and NGO’s to improve decentralization outcomes.



  • Course: Spring 2020 Workshop in Public Affairs, PA 869, taught by Gregory F. Nemet
  • Authors: Emma Cleveland, Sascha Glaeser, Lauren Jorgensen, Lewi Negede Lewi Anders Shropshire
  • Client: Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund

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