Goldy funding to support Copelovitch’s research on international finance

La Follette School Professor Mark Copelovitch recently received a Daniel Louis and Genevieve Rustvold Goldy Faculty Fellow award to support his research activities.

Copelovitch will use the funding to continue his research on financial crises and the International Monetary Fund and to complete a series of papers exploring the connections between international trade and finance and domestic politics.

“I’m deeply grateful for the La Follette School’s continued support of my research,” said Copelovitch. “The Goldy award will be crucial in helping me complete these projects in the year ahead.”

Earlier this year, Copelovitch published his second book, “Banks on the Brink: Global Capital, Securities Markets, and the Political Roots of Financial Crises,” with Cambridge University Press. The book, written with David Singer of MIT, explores the politics and root causes of modern banking crises.

Copelovitch has also written several recent commentaries on the European Union, including a new piece at the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage about the proposed EU recovery fund to assist countries with the shock of COVID-19. While some commentators have praised the proposal as Europe’s “Hamiltonian Moment,” Copelovitch argues that it is nothing like Alexander Hamilton’s Compromise of 1790 and does little to address the Eurozone’s fundamental economic problems.

Copelovitch joined the La Follette School and the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 2006, after receiving his PhD in political science from Harvard University and serving as a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University. His first book, “The International Monetary Fund in the Global Economy: Banks, Bonds, and Bailouts,” was published in 2010.

Copelovitch studies and teaches international political economy and international governance, with a focus on the politics of international trade and finance, as well as international organizations like the International Monetary Fund and the European Union. In 2017, he received a Vilas Associates Award to support his research on international economic shocks and domestic politics.

The Goldy award is funded by a gift from the family of Genevieve and Daniel Goldy. Daniel Goldy received his bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He was a protégé of UW–Madison political scientist Edwin Witte, who developed the legislation that became the 1935 Social Security Act. Goldy served in the Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson administrations.