Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers (SSCHC) is a federally qualified health clinic in Milwaukee. This report recommends strategies SSCHC can use to better identify the social determinants of health needs of its patients. In particular, SSCHC can strengthen its referral network to reduce housing insecurity in the community. Although SSCHC does not have the authority to implement housing policy, it can play an active role in advocating for policy changes as an influential stakeholder in the health and housing community. This report is informed by an analysis of SSCHC and Census data and interviews with SSCHC staff. These recommendations can improve SSCHC’s ability to connect patients with stable, safe, high-quality housing in Milwaukee, and position SSCHC to more effectively advocate for housing policies that benefit its patients.
- Course: Spring 2021 Workshop in Public Affairs, PA 869, taught by J. Michael Collins
- Authors: Victoria Casola, Trent Claybaugh, Johannes Dreisbach, Sarah Ebben, Mary Kate O’Leary
- Client: Sixteenth Street Community Health