Funding Our Future: The Impact of National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research on Academic Research Outcomes

The Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) represents a major investment in the research infrastructure of the country’s universities. This report, prepared at the behest of the mission team on Science, Technology, Assessment, and Analytics (STAA) in the Government Accountability Office (GAO), conducts exploratory research into EPSCoR Track-1 funding to inform future audits of the program by the GAO. The report contains a review of recent literature on the topic and a data analysis on participating EPSCoR state jurisdictions, and it conducts 16 interviews with officials from 16 EPSCoR research institutions. The report discovers groundbreaking insights into the EPSCoR and concludes with four considerations for the GAO regarding further efforts to improve diversity and the selection criteria for Track-1 projects.

Policy brief (pdf)


  • Authors: Adrian Arcoleo, Jacob Boelter, Spencer Johnson, Haley Padfield, Makenzie Peake, and Benjamin Vargas
  • Client: U.S. Government Accountability Office
  • Course: Spring 2023 Workshop in Public Affairs, PA 869, taught by Greg Nemet

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