The Biggest Issues in Health Policy, as Told in 11 Tweets
Drew Altman, President & CEO, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Introduction by former Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle
Healthcare is the top issue of concern for people in the United States today, especially out-of-pocket costs. As people face deteriorating coverage and increasing deductibles and costs, the country’s leaders lack the political will to tackle larger issues related to healthcare reform. The conversation about the importance of tackling high prices, the high cost of care, expansion of coverage, and the social determinants that affect health needs to happen.
The Equity Impact of Health Policy in Action and Inaction
Mia Keeys, Director of Health Equity Policy & Advocacy, American Medical Association
Introduction by Linda Vakunta, Deputy Mayor, City of Madison, Wisconsin
A person’s health goes beyond mental and physical well-being; social factors, such as access to healthy foods, education, and the environment, have tremendous influence. Preconceived ideas of health created throughout U.S. history demonstrate the impact policy has on perpetuating inequities in health. Policymakers need to consider future generations; the center of an equity mission is action.