March 2, 2020
Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center
The La Follette School welcomed more than 300 people to its inaugural La Follette Forum, funded by the Kohl Initiative, on Monday, March 2.
The daylong conference on critical health policy topics drew participants from across Wisconsin. Policymakers, practitioners, community leaders, and researchers engaged in conversation about innovative solutions for improving the health of Wisconsin residents. Forum recap
Keynote Addresses
The Biggest Issues in Health Policy, as Told in 11 Tweets
Drew Altman, President & CEO, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Introduction by former Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle
The Equity Impact of Health Policy in Action and Inaction
Mia Keeys, Director of Health Equity Policy & Advocacy, American Medical Association
Introduction by Linda Vakunta, Deputy Mayor, City of Madison, Wisconsin
Panel Discussions
Healthcare Coverage and Access
Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and Patient Awareness
Caring for an Aging Population
Quality, Workforce, and the Patient Experience
Consumer-Driven Healthcare
Impacts and Engaging Patients and Families
Personalized Medicine
Innovation, Implications, and Access
Societal Determinants of Health
New Models of Partnerships in Housing
Strategies for Rural Communities
Collaborations to Strengthen Health