Yackee on livestreamed politics and policy discussion Jan. 12

Susan Webb Yackee

La Follette School Director and Professor Susan Webb Yackee will participate in a UW Now livestream event Tuesday, January 12 at 7 p.m. Central time. Faculty affiliates David Canon and Ryan Owens will join Yackee for a discussion about the future of American politics and policy.

The hour-long discussion and question-and-answer session is sponsored by the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association. The livestreamed event is moderated by Foundation CEO President Mike Knetter, and questions may be submitted via YouTube chat. A recording of each discussion will be available on uwalumni.com after the event.

The panelists will discuss what the country’s political and policy landscape might look like after the presidential transition and amid turbulent national and global events. To participate, click this link shortly before 7 p.m. January 12.

Yackee, who joined the La Follette School in 2007, is a Collins-Bascom Professor of Public Affairs and Political Science at UW–Madison. Her research and teaching interests include the U.S. public policymaking process, public management, regulation, administrative law, and interest group politics.

Canon and Owens are professors of American politics in the Department of Political Science. Canon’s research interests include the U.S. Congress, elections, and political institutions, and Owens studies the U.S. Supreme Court, legal institutions, and judicial behavior.