La Follette students inspire Wisconsin high school students

La Follette School accelerated MPA students Charlie Warzecha and Dylan Helmenstine present to Wisconsin high school students with La Follette School staff Mary Davis Michaud and David Wright-Racette.

Last month, the La Follette School participated in its third session with the Senate Scholar Program, an intensive week-long educational program offered by the Wisconsin State Senate.

The program invites Wisconsin high school students to visit with elected officials and a range of others working at the state capitol. This year, six Master of Public Affairs students joined three sessions with a total of 33 high school students. La Follette School Faculty Associate Mary Michaud and Student Services Associate David Wright-Racette also participated.

The Senate Scholar Program is a great opportunity for La Follette School students to partner with the Wisconsin Legislature, and it has been especially popular among accelerated MPA students, who get a jumpstart on master’s degree requirements during their undergraduate years.

“We welcome the chance to connect current La Follette students with the next generation of students motivated to study public policy, and the Senate Scholar program allows us to do just that,” says Michaud. “Our accelerated MPA students especially recognize how important it is to help motivated students see public policy as a viable, valuable avenue of study at UW-Madison.”

Thank you to our participating students, who are helping to inspire high school students from around the state to consider an education in public policy and inform the next generation about the great work the La Follette School is doing!