La Follette School Professors J. Michael Collins and Tim Smeeding will participate in a UW Now livestream event Tuesday, February 16 at 7 p.m. Central time. Laura Dresser, assistant clinical professor in the Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work, will join them for Policy Ideas for the Pandemic Economy and Beyond.
The hour-long discussion and question-and-answer session is sponsored by the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association. The livestreamed event is moderated by Foundation CEO and President Mike Knetter, and questions may be submitted via YouTube chat. A recording of each discussion will be available on uwalumni.com after the event.
To participate, click this link shortly before 7 p.m. February 16.
Collins, a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Retirement Security, is the Fetzer Family Chair in Consumer and Personal Finance at UW–Madison and Faculty Director of the Center for Financial Security (CFS) for the School of Human Ecology. Collins joined UW–Madison’s faculty in 2009 and became a La Follette School faculty member in 2012.
Smeeding, the Lee Rainwater Distinguished Professor of Public Affairs and Economics, is known internationally as the founder and director of the Luxembourg Income Studya, an independent nonprofit research center and cross-national database of income, wealth, labor market, and demographic information of people in more than 50 countries. He also pioneered the Wisconsin Poverty Measure in 2008.
Dresser is a labor economist and associate director of UW–Madison’s Center on Wisconsin Strategy, a think-and-do tank where she has worked for more than two decades. Her research and practice has focused on low-wage work and workforce development systems.