Using a Resilience Strategy to Address the Social Effects of Climate Change in Madison, Wisconsin

The greater Madison area recently experienced extreme climate events, namely the August 2018 floods and the January 2019 polar vortex. In response, the City of Madison requested an analysis of how Madison can become more resilient to these sorts of events. This report begins by identifying populations in Madison who will face disproportionate social effects associated with extreme climate events. It also looks to peer cities in various stages of resilience planning to help determine best practices for creating a Madison-specific resilience strategy. Key recommendations include targeting the year 2023 for the completion of a resilience strategy and hiring a Chief Resilience Officer, who will spearhead the resilience planning process.

Transforming Treatment in Thiotte: Recommendations for Building Accountability and Sustainability at Centre de Santé Sacré-Coeur de Thiotte

Haiti Medical Mission of Wisconsin (HMMW), a 501(c)(3) organization, works to provide quality healthcare access to the people of Thiotte, Haiti, and surrounding communities through its medical mission trips and support of Centre de Santé Sacré-Coeur de Thiotte (CSST), a permanent, Haitian-run clinic. The remoteness of the clinic has exacerbated personnel issues, administrative challenges, and infrastructure problems. For CSST to become more secure, HMMW is looking to work with the clinic to develop systems of sustainability and accountability and asked La Follette School students to assist in the identification of concern areas and make subsequent recommendations. HMMW plans to use this work to secure further funding and establish additional partnerships.

Child Material Deprivation in the United States

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is developing a child well-being strategy as part of its Inclusive Growth initiative that aims to share experiences and seek solutions to common issues around child welfare. This report uses American Community Survey (ACS) data to assess the level of children’s material deprivation in the United States, identify common forms of deprivation, and examine the extent to which household income and other familial characteristics affect the risk of multiple deprivations. The report finds that the most common forms of deprivation for children in the United States are living in over-crowded and severely cost-burdened housing, while children from low-income households have substantially higher risk of experiencing multiple material deprivations in a given year.