Transitioning to Induction Stoves in Michigan: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

In this report, La Follette students examine the impacts on health and other factors if Michigan residents converted gas and electric stoves to induction ranges.

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This cost-benefit analysis assesses the effects on health and other factors across the state of Michigan if residents adopted induction ranges in place of gas and electric stoves. The main driver of this analysis is concern over the health and environmental impacts caused by pollutants and greenhouse gas emitted from gas stoves during cooking. 45% of Michigan households use natural gas stoves, which exceeds the national average. This analysis finds that converting gas ranges to induction ranges results in a net gain of an estimated $196.20 billion. Analysis of the electric-to-induction alternative revealed that converting electric stoves to induction would not provide a benefit, largely because electric stoves produce far less pollutants than gas ranges.


  • Course: Cost-Benefit Analysis Public Affairs 881 taught by Morgan Edwards, fall 2023
  • Authors: Yulian Chen, Katie Gienapp, Jayant Singh, and Zhixing Xu
  • Clients: Slipstream, Upper Peninsula Power Company, and Indiana Michigan Power