An Analysis of the Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnership in Argentina and Panama

We analyzed the Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnership (GloMEEP), a project that assisted developing countries in regulating shipping emissions, through case studies of two nations: Panama and Argentina. Our analysis (1) evaluates project impact, (2) assesses in-country factors, and (3) synthesizes key takeaways.

We found that GloMEEP was highly successful. In Panama, the project facilitated new regulations and built the capacity of relevant agencies. Argentina ratified international shipping standards and reported improved capacity levels, but institutional hurdles limited the project’s impact.

Based on these findings, we provide five recommendations for our client, the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility, to utilize in future policy reform projects: (1) adopt more comprehensive evaluation strategies, (2) establish more rigorous country selection processes, (3) apply a policy-making process framework during project design, (4) prioritize agency regulation over new legislation, and (5) expand use of GloMEEP’s most successful implementation methods.



  • Course: Spring 2021 Workshop in Public Affairs, PA 869, taught by Greg Nemet
  • Authors:  Victor Escalona Aldana, Lauri Luosta, Peter Mosher, Seth Roca, and Hannah Tuttle
  • Client: Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office

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