Agricultural entrepreneurship: opportunities for Nepali youth

Daayitwa, a nonprofit organization in Nepal, seeks to develop the country’s economic self-sufficiency by fostering entrepreneurship and leadership development. It sees the cycle of repeated migration by young people as a key impediment to improving Nepal’s economy. This report provides a holistic view of agricultural entrepreneurship in Nepal, with a particular focus on the barriers faced by returning migrants, and the commodities through which they could find the greatest likelihood of success. It proposes that Daayitwa look deeper into several strategies for addressing institutional barriers and promoting agricultural involvement, including advocacy for high-level change, value chain development, knowledge transfer, input access, research, and information campaigns and leadership training.

Policy brief (pdf)


  • Course: Spring 2018 Workshop in International Public Affairs, PA 860, taught by Timothy M. Smeeding
  • Authors: Omer Arain, Mitch Arvidson, Jake Griffith, Casey Hutchison, Kevin Lee
  • Client: Daayitwa

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