Jon Pevehouse

Credentials: Professor


Phone: 608-262-4839

110 North Hall
1050 Bascom Mall
Madison, WI 53706

Profile photo of Jon Pevehouse


Jon Pevehouse is Mary Herman Rubinstein Professor of International Relations and Political Methodology. He is also the Development Chair of the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Political Science Department.

Pevehouse’s research interests lie in international relations, international political economy, U.S. foreign policy, international organizations, and political methodology. Professor Pevehouse’s work examines the relationship between domestic and international politics. He is the author, with Joshua Goldstein, of International Relations, the leading textbook on international politics.

Curriculum Vitae (pdf)Pronouns: he/him

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  • Ph.D., Ohio State University, Political Science
  • BA, University of Kansas, Political Science


Public affairs courses taught by Jon Pevehouse:

PA 857 Political Economy of Corruption and Good Governance

Podcast interview


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UW–Madison affiliations

  • Department of Political Science