Steven Kulig
Credentials: Associate Director
Phone: 608.262.8631
101 Observatory Hill Office Building
1225 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1211
Steven Kulig (MPA ’14) was named associate director of the La Follette School in May 2018 – two years after returning to his alma mater as the school’s administrator and career services coordinator.
As associate director, Kulig serves as a member of the school’s management team and provides instructional and curricular program leadership for the school’s academic programs. He also oversees the school’s day-to-day operations and participates in strategic planning initiatives and policy development to support the school’s overall activities and mission. In addition, Kulig teaches PA800, Professional Development Workshop, which all La Follette School students are required to take.
Kulig earned a bachelor of science degree in economics from UW-Madison in 2007. After graduation, he spent over six years working as a legislative assistant in the Wisconsin Senate. During the final three years in the legislature, he attended the La Follette School part-time, earning his master’s degree in public affairs in 2014. He was president of the La Follette School Student Association during the 2013-14 academic year.
Soon after graduation, he joined the Wisconsin Department of Health Services as a budget and policy analyst, where he administered the financial integrity of multiple Medicaid-eligible county mental health programs. He joined the La Follette School as administrator and career services coordinator in April 2016.
Outside of work, he enjoys running and participating in local sports leagues, including softball, basketball, flag football, and volleyball.
Public affairs courses taught by Steven Kulig:
PA 800 Professional Development Workshop