This report focuses on how local businesses experience child care shortages and their responses to solutions proposed by the authors.
Strategies to Promote Enrollment in the Madison Customer Assistance Program (MadCAP)
This report recommends strategies Madison Water Utility can use to promote enrollment in a program for low-income customers.
City of La Crosse Green Space Expansion
This report addresses how the heat island effect impacts the La Crosse community and analyzes mitigation strategies through the expansion of green spaces within the city.
Evaluation Criteria for DFC Advisory Firms
This report outlines criteria that the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation can use to evaluate entities and assess their capabilities as business advisors.
Implementing a Community Court Model in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This report examines the characteristics of a successful community court and offers recommendations to the City of Milwaukee.
Analysis and Equity Assessment of Dane County Workforce Development Data, Practices, and Policies from 2018-2022
This report analyzes the current state of equity and diversity in recruitment, hiring, promotion, and retention of Dane County’s government workforce and provides recommendations.
Organic Fertilizer Production and Promotion in Southern Cameroons
This report assesses Southern Cameroons’ fertilizer options and recommends an implementation plan.
Increasing Transparency in the Extractive Industries in Cambodia
This report analyzes the regulatory framework for the extractive industries in Cambodia.
Funding Our Future: The Impact of National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research on Academic Research Outcomes
This report contributes to the GAO’s evaluation of the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research and shares considerations to improve research funding diversity and the selection criteria.
New study led by Fletcher advances understanding of geographic health disparities
By looking at where people were born instead of where they ultimately move to and die, geographic disparities in mortality look different, according to a new study by Jason Fletcher.