These papers provide timely insights into the development of technologies that must scale rapidly to address climate change.
La Follette celebrates graduates, awards record number of undergraduate certificates
Forty-six master’s students received La Follette degrees and 166 students graduated with certificates in public policy or health policy in May.
Recognizing 2023-24 undergraduate internship host organizations
These internship host organizations helped to give La Follette students invaluable hands-on experiences over the past year.
Electrifying the City of Madison’s Vehicle Fleet: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
In this report, La Follette students analyze multiple options for the City of Madison to consider in its efforts to achieve a fully electrified vehicle fleet by 2030.
Shared-Ride Taxi Regionalization for the Cities of Hudson, New Richmond, and River Falls
In this report, La Follette students assess the feasibility of regionalizing shared-ride taxi systems in three northwestern Wisconsin communities.
Office of Native American Programs Indian Housing Block Grant: Enhancing Program Effectiveness
In this report, La Follette students seek ways to improve block grant administration in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Native American Programs.
Rate Case Filing Frequency and Water Utility Performance in Wisconsin
In this report, La Follette students analyze the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin’s recommendations for rate case filing frequency and their effects on utility performance.
Assessing Alliant Energy’s Low- to Moderate-Income Assistance Programs in Context
In this report, La Follette students investigate how Alliant Energy can increase participation in its low- and middle-income programs.
Alumni updates – May 2024
As a new class of graduates transitions from students to alumni, many of our alumni are starting new jobs or graduate programs.
Leveraging Medicaid to Support Youth Mental Health in Wisconsin
La Follette students consider how the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families might improve in-patient mental health services for youth.