Panel session 2 — 12:30 p.m. CT
The widespread impacts of substance abuse require collaborative responses. Panelists will share how public health, public safety, providers, the judiciary, and the community cooperated on solutions.
Karen Timberlake
Former Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Karen Timberlake is the immediate past secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, serving in that role in the administration of Governor Tony Evers from January 2021 through December 2022. She previously served as a partner with Michael Best Strategies, as director of the UW–Madison Population Health Institute, and Department of Health Services secretary under former Governor Jim Doyle. Karen has led several multi-stakeholder coalitions focused on expanding access to behavioral health screening, intervention, and treatment.
Judge Marc Hammer
Judge, Brown County Circuit Court
Brown County Circuit Court Judge Marc Hammer has served on the bench since 2008. Prior to becoming a judge, he was a practicing attorney in the Green Bay-DePere area for 20 years. Judge Hammer has been the county drug court treatment judge since 2012. The court has been operational since 2010. The county also supports a heroin treatment court, an operating while intoxicated court, a mental health court, a veterans treatment court, a family recovery court, and a juvenile offender court.
Shakita LaGrant-McClain
Executive Director, Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services
Shakita LaGrant-McClain oversees all aspects of Milwaukee County’s largest department with a nearly $400 million budget and approximately 900 employees, serving 80,000 residents annually. She supervises multiple service areas including Aging and Disabilities Services, Behavioral Health Services, Housing Services, Management Services, and Veterans’ Services. She’s a champion of a No Wrong Door model of service delivery to improve racial and health equity and serve Milwaukee County residents across their lifespan regardless of race, gender, age, or socio-economic status. LaGrant-McClain is a demonstrated leader dedicated to maximizing organizational performance and leveraging DHHS to influence the human services ecosystem and positively impact social determinants of health.
Tim Styka
Retired Chief of Police, City of Menasha Police Department
Chief Styka worked for the City of Menasha Police Department for 27 years, the last 11 as chief. He earned a BBA from St. Norbert College, an MBA from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, and graduated from Northwestern University’s Police School of Staff and Command. Chief Styka was invited to the White House as part of President Obama’s Taskforce on 21st Century Policing in America due to the department’s history of taking fresh perspectives to community issues. Chief Styka is now retired and supports law enforcement agencies throughout Wisconsin, working for Cities and Villages Mutual Insurance Company.