Skyline of Madison from Lake Monona.

Lunch Breakout Discussions

Over lunch, La Follette Forum attendees participated in small, informal breakout discussions. Except for the online Gerrymanding session, lunch breakout discussions were only available in person.

Concurrent discussions

11:20 – 11:55 a.m.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Inflation | Ballroom G

How does inflation affect households and businesses in Wisconsin?


  • Mike Knetter, President and CEO, Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association
  • Menzie Chinn, Professor of Public Affairs & Economics, UW–Madison

Climate change | Ballroom J

What challenges do climate change and energy issues pose for Wisconsin families and businesses?


  • Randy Romanski, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection
  • Morgan Edwards, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs, UW–Madison

China & Taiwan | Ballroom I

Will China invade Taiwan and what are the possible outcomes?


  • Andrew Kydd, Professor of Political Science, UW–Madison
  • Jonathan Renshon, Associate Professor of Political Science, UW–Madison

U.S.-China economy | Ballroom H

How will the economic relationship between the U.S. and China evolve in the coming years?


  • Jay Nash, President, Madison International Trade Association
  • Tana Johnson, Associate Professor of Public Affairs & Political Science

Gerrymandering | Online Only

How does redistricting affect Wisconsin’s democracy?


  • Chris Ford, Chair, The People’s Maps Commission
  • Rob Yablon, Associate Professor of Law, UW Law School

Media | Ballroom F

What is the role of the media in a state marked by profound political divisions?


  • Jessie Opoien, Capitol Bureau Chief, The Cap Times
  • David Haynes, Ideas Lab Editor, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
  • Lewis Friedland, Professor Emeritus of Journalism & Mass Communication, UW–Madison

12:10 – 12:45

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Remote work | Ballroom G

How has the pandemic affected workers and employers, and what does the future hold for Wisconsin’s economic development?


  • Missy Hughes, Secretary & CEO, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation
  • Jason Fields, President & CEO, Madison Region Economic Partnership

Poverty | Ballroom J

Have inequality and poverty exacerbated the effects of the pandemic on Wisconsin residents?


  • Zach Brandon, Chamber President, Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce
  • Sarah Halpern-Meekin, Associate Professor of Public Affairs & of Human Development & Family Studies, UW–Madison

U.S.-China politics | Ballroom I

How do domestic politics in the U.S. and China affect each country’s approach to foreign policy?


  • John Ohnesorge, Professor of Law, UW Law School
  • Jon Pevehouse, Professor of Public Affairs & Political Science, UW–Madison
  • Reed Lei, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs & Political Science, UW–Madison

Russia & Ukraine | Ballroom H

From the point of view of the West, what are the most important issues at stake in Russia’s war on Ukraine?


  • Jessica Weeks, Professor of Political Science, UW–Madison
  • Yoshiko Herrera, Professor of Political Science, UW–Madison

Race | Ballroom E

What are some important issues related to race, civic conversation, and censorship?


  • Rachelle Winkle-Wagner, Professor of Education, UW–Madison
  • Kevin Lawrence Henry Jr., Assistant Professor of Education, UW–Madison

Elections | Ballroom F

How can we foster competence and stability in the election system?


  • Barry Burden, Professor of Political Science, UW–Madison
  • Kevin Kennedy, Former Director & General Counsel, Wisconsin Government Accountability Board
  • Maribeth Witzel-Behl, City Clerk, City of Madison