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La Follette Forum: Climate Policy | 2021

The La Follette School hosted its second annual La Follette Forum, funded by the Kohl Initiative, on Wednesday, October 6, 2021.

The daylong conference on climate policy featured policymakers, practitioners, community leaders, and researchers engaged in conversation about innovative solutions for addressing climate issues and improving the lives of people in Wisconsin.


Recordings from the day’s sessions are available on the La Follette School’s YouTube page.

Watch recordings

Keynote Speakers

Photo of Katharine Wilkinson.

Katharine Wilkinson

Opening Keynote Speaker

Author, teacher, co-founder of The All We Can Save Project, and co-host of the podcast A Matter of Degrees

Photo of Kathryn Huff.

Kathryn Huff

Closing Keynote Speaker

Acting Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Nuclear Energy


8:15 – 9 a.m.    Check-In and Breakfast

Varsity Hall I & II

9 – 10 a.m.    Opening Remarks and Keynote

Varsity Hall I & II

  • All We Can Save: Leaderful is the Way Forward: Katharine Wilkinson, author, teacher, co-founder of The All We Can Save Project, and co-host of the podcast A Matter of Degrees.

10:15 – 11:30 a.m.     Breakout Sessions

11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.     Lunch and Networking

Varsity Hall I & II

1 – 2:15 p.m.     Breakout Sessions

2:30 – 3:45 p.m.     Breakout Sessions

4 – 5 p.m.   Closing Keynote

Varsity Hall I & II

  • Kathryn Huff, Acting Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Nuclear Energy and UW–Madison alumna

5 – 6 p.m.   Reception and Networking

Pavillion & Lounge, 3rd Floor

La Follette Forum 2021 Advisory Committee

La Follette Forum 2021 Co-Chairs

Professor Greg NemetGregory Nemet, Professor, La Follette School of Public Affairs, UW–Madison

Assistant Professor Morgan EdwardsMorgan Edwards, Assistant Professor, La Follette School of Public Affairs, UW–Madison

Mandela Barnes, Lieutenant Governor, State of Wisconsin

Kristofer Canto, Enterprise Risk Management Senior Analyst, American Family Insurance

Scott Coenen, Executive Director, Wisconsin Conservative Energy Forum

Andrea Dutton, Professor, Department of Geoscience, UW–Madison

Kathleen Falk, Former County Executive, Dane County

Tracey Holloway, Professor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, UW–Madison

Benoy Jacob, Senior Academic Staff, Division of Extension, UW–Madison

Dylan Jennings, Public Information and Outreach Director, Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission

Missy Nergard, Director of Sustainability, Office of Sustainability, UW–Madison

Mike Noreen, Conservation & Efficiency Coordinator, City of River Falls

Erick Shambarger (MPA ’02), Sustainability Director, City of Milwaukee

Steph Tai, Professor, Law School, UW–Madison


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

What is the cost of attendance?

The La Follette Forum: Climate Policy is free to attend in-person and online.  

For on-site registrants only:  Food will be provided free of charge for lunch and the afternoon Networking Reception There is a $20.60 fee for parking. Permits can be reserved through the on-site registration process.

Will this event be in-person or online?

The La Follette Forum: Climate Policy will be an in-person event hosted at Union South on UW–Madison’s campus. Panelists will join us in-person on October 6, with a select few joining virtually, and all keynotes will speak in-person. There are a limited number of spots available in-person attendees, so register early. 

To remain accessible, the event will be available virtually to those who wish to join us online. Virtual registrants will be able to access the live session links and watch recordings after the event. Online-only attendees will be unable to participate in networking activities or receive food. To join us virtually, please register for the Forum via the registration page as a “Virtual Attendee.” If you plan to be in-person for a portion of the conference and watch the rest online, select “On-Site & Virtual Attendee”

Will the talks be recorded?

Yes, sessions will be livestreamed, recorded, and available to watch after the La Follette Forum concludes on October 6.  All registrants, both in-person and online, will receive notification when the recordings are available. Please register to stay up to date.

Can I register as both an in-person and online attendee? I can only be at Union South for part of the conference.

Yes, participants can register for both in-person and online attendance. To do so, you must select “On-Site & Virtual Attendee” when completing the registration form.

I need to cancel my registration. How can I do that?

We understand that schedules change after you register for events, and if you need to cancel, please email conferences@union.wisc.edu. You may substitute another person in your registration spot until September 28 by emailing conferences@union.wisc.edu.

Are face masks required for attendees?

Following both UW–Madison, Dane County, and the CDC’s COVID-19 guidance, all people are required to wear face coverings in all indoor spaces on the UW–Madison campus. We will update all attendees as guidelines change through the fall.

Do in-person attendees need to show proof that they are vaccinated or have had a current negative COVID-19 test?


I am concerned about removing my mask to eat. What options are available?

Union south has ample outdoor seating if you would like to eat outside. From the event room, attendees can easily access the second floor patio or head downstairs to more seating. If the weather is nice, we encourage our attendees to take advantage of these spaces.

Where can I park for the La Follette Forum?

You can purchase parking during On-site Attendee registration for $20.60. You will be assigned a spot near Union South (parking map here) and you will receive detailed permit pick-up instructions in your reminder email before the event. Directions to Union South are here. If you have specific parking questions, email conferences@union.wisc.edu.

What other transportation options are available?

Madison has many public transportation options in the form of bus transit, biking, and air. Please see the Union South: Getting Here site for more details.

I’ve never been to Madison before. Can you recommend places to visit and dine?

Welcome! We are so happy to have you in Madison for the first time! We suggest going to VisitMadison.com for activity recommendations, event listings, and dining recommendations. If you would like to explore more of campus, go to Wisc.edu/visit.

Have a question not answered above? Contact La Follette School Outreach Events Coordinator Brittney Mitchell at bmitchell@lafollette.wisc.edu.