Brelynn Bille (MPA student) was named UW–Madison’s 2023 Newman Civic Fellow. Recipients of this prestigious award are nominated by university presidents or chancellors for their public leadership and commitment to create positive change in communities locally and around the world. Through the fellowship, Campus Compact will provide Bille with a year of learning and networking opportunities that emphasize personal, professional, and civic growth. Bille is part of a coalition with other disabled students that helped build a Disability Cultural Center on campus.
Lauren Edwards (certificate in public policy and certificate in health policy student) won a UW Global Gateway Fellowship this summer. Through the Wisconsin in Washington program, Edwards completed an internship in Wisconsin Congressman Derrick Van Orden’s office in Washington, D.C. Fellowship recipients also submit two blog entries as part of their experience.
Katie Gienapp (MPA student) started a property planning internship at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources this summer. Previously, she worked as an intern in the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation Office of Rural Prosperity.
McKenna Goetz (MPH-MPA student) started a new position as a health policy analyst intern for the Office of Strategic Health Policy at the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds. In this role, she will help develop intervention recommendations to address the health policy topics that impact the Group Insurance Board’s covered population.
Madison Mehlberg (MPA student) accepted an offer as the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development’s summer policy associate. In this role, she performs policy work related to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the Council on Workforce Investments and Communications, and a variety of other work within Division of Employment and Training bureaus and offices.
Sara Pabich (MPH-MPA student) was featured in a blog post by the Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change about work her team does to analyze and present data around Dane County’s energy, water, and fuel usage so the county can take steps to reduce emissions.
Muhammad Rehan (MIPA student) participated in “Chats with the Chancellor” in April and discussed the La Follette School with UW–Madison Chancellor Mnookin. The two had an insightful conversation about further building on sustainability initiatives across campus. Rehan shared how the Fulbright Program impacted his life, and the impact the La Follette School has had on him and his future career.
Quinn Wakley (MPA student) was appointed to and elected chair of UW–Madison’s Student Services Finance Committee (SSFC) in May. As the allocations branch of the Associated Students of Madison, the SSFC allocates funds from segregated fees. For questions regarding segregated fees, contact Wakley at ssfc@asm.wisc.edu.
Haoyan (Ken) Wang (certificate in public policy ’23, MIPA student) joined UW’s Language Program Office in May and was promoted to the position of multimedia coordinator for the office in July. He will assist programs such as the Wisconsin Intensive Summer Language Institutes (MEDLI and MULTI) and Project Global Officer, and create newsletters, promotional videos, and photography. He has presented some of his work to the U.S. Department of Education during their site visit in mid-July.
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