Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis honors Haveman

Bob Haveman

La Follette School Professor Emeritus Bob Haveman received the 2020 Honor a Colleague award from the Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis. The award recognizes Haveman’s career contributions to the theory and practice of benefit-cost analysis by his colleagues, former students, and the Society.

Haveman has published widely in the fields of public finance, the economics of environmental and natural resources policy, benefit-cost analysis, and the economics of poverty and social policy.

A member of UW–Madison’s faculty since 1970, Haveman was director of the La Follette School from 1988 to 1991 and director of the Institute for Research on Poverty from 1971 to 1975. He also served as chair of the Department of Economics from 1993 to 1996.

“Bob is a world-class scholar, teacher, and public servant,” said La Follette School Director and professor Susan Webb Yackee. “He has had a tremendous impact on hundreds of La Follette School alumni, and I am honored to have him as a colleague.”

Haveman’s publications include Succeeding Generations: On the Effects of Investments in Children and Human Capital in the United States from 1975 to 2000: Patterns of Growth and Utilization. His work has appeared in the American Economic ReviewReview of Economics and StatisticsQuarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, and Journal of the American Statistical Association.