Kiersten Frobom (MPA ’19) joined the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps’ podcast, In Solidarity, in October to discuss the strategies that communities and organizations are using to close the gender pay gap. Frobom is a senior analyst on the evidence and policy analysis team at County Health Rankings & Roadmaps.
Caleb Kulinski (MIPA ’21) was promoted to director of advocacy and partner engagement at Indy Hunger Network, an Indianapolis-based organization working to create a system that ensures anyone who is hungry can access the nutritious food that they need. As part of this role, he will be responsible for educating policymakers and the general public about food insecurity and the work of the Indy Hunger Network and its member organizations. He previously served as interim director of Advocacy at Indy Hunger Network and oversaw their AmeriCorps VISTA program.
Mingxin Zhang (MPA ’21) recently completed Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s Climate Advocacy Certificate Program. Through the program, Zhang learned stakeholder engagement and advocacy skills, as well as strategies to make her a more effective advocate for climate issues. Zhang is a policy specialist at the Great Plains Institute in Minneapolis.
Carte’cia Lawrence (MPA ’22) was highlighted in a Cap Times article about how Covid relief measures have provided a blueprint for addressing poverty nationally and in Wisconsin. Lawrence is senior racial equity policy analyst for Kids Forward, an organization that promotes access to opportunity for children and families in Wisconsin.
Kashish Jain (BS, CiPP ’22) started a new position as technology consultant staff at Ernst & Young, where she will work with digital and emerging technology and marketing analytics. While completing her degree, Jain worked as a facilitation intern at UW–Madison’s Social Justice Hub. She received a bachelor’s degree in economics and a Certificate in Public Policy in May 2022.
Jessie Martin (MPA ‘22) started a new position in August as an executive policy and budget analyst in the State Budget Office of Wisconsin. While completing his MPA, Martin interned in the Illinois Department of Human Services Office of the Secretary, where he coordinated with other state agencies to hep execute the state’s first vaccine lottery program for state employees, among other projects.