Chad Cotti (MPA ’02) was named chair of Michigan State University’s Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics. The five-year appointment is effective August 1. Cotti most recently served as a tenured faculty member in the Department of Economics at the University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh, where he held the titles of Oshkosh Corporation Endowed Professor and John McNaughton Rosebush Professor. He was the chair of the Department of Economics at the University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh from 2015 to 2021 and served in critical administrative roles in managing the university-wide COVID-19 response.
Tawsif Anam (MPA ’13) appeared on Fox News to discuss immigration issues in June. Anam is U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson’s regional director, responsible for outreach in southern Wisconsin and serving as the representative from Sen. Johnson’s office for statewide Medicare, Medicaid, and telecommunications issues. He has had more than 50 opinion pieces published on a variety of social and political issues in the Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and other news outlets. He has also held positions with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Wisconsin Asthma Coalition, and United Way of Dane County.
Pamela Ritger de la Rosa (MIPA ’13) was recently featured in a profile in the Shepherd Express. In the story, Ritger de la Rosa discusses her involvement in the Milwaukee City-County Task Force on Climate and Economic Equity and reflects on what it takes to build an equitable, climate resilient city. She works as the environmental sustainability program manager for Milwaukee’s Environmental Collaboration Office.
Tolgonai Sopukeeva (MIPA ’21) started a new position in June as a monitoring, reporting and evaluation specialist and small grants coordinator at Peace Corps Kyrgyz Republic. Previously, Sopukeeva worked as a monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning coordinator at the Aga Khan Foundation.
Amelia Stastney (MIPA ’21) contributed to a recent report about the Navy’s readiness to improve their shipyards that was published by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). The work was also featured on 60 Minutes. Stastney has worked as a defense capabilities and management analyst at the GAO since 2021. Her work focuses on investigating and reporting on the Navy’s Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program.