Lamont Smith (MPA ’07) was named one of Wisconsin’s 48 Most Influential Black Leaders in Madison365’s 2021 list. As The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin’s Milwaukee Program Manager, he helps build partnerships to improve urban environmental sustainability and strengthen community resiliency. Previously, Smith worked as a senior analyst with the Greater Milwaukee Foundation.
Justin Rivas (MIPA ’09) was named to Madison365’s Most Influential Latino Leaders list for 2021. Rivas leads community health initiatives for the Milwaukee Health Care Partnership, aiming to improve health outcomes and advance health equity. He oversees Community Health Needs Assessment planning and Health Compass Milwaukee, supports the company’s Racial and Health Equity Council, and serves as the program director for the Milwaukee Enrollment Network. He previously worked at County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, a collaboration of UW–Madison’s Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Jonny Vannucci (MIPA ’19) is a government & public services consultant with Deloitte in Washington, DC. He previously worked as a staff assistant in the U.S. Senate.
Jacob Ginn (MPA ’20) is a research specialist for community health innovations at Sinai Urban Health Institute in Chicago. His work focuses on programs and projects related to lead poisoning and prevention, asthma, breast cancer, COVID-19, and community health worker support. While at the La Follette School, he was a project assistant with Professor Tim Smeeding and UW–Madison’s Institute for Research on Poverty.
Tamanna Akram-Turenne (MIPA ’21) and colleagues at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research had their research published in the Harvard Educational Review. On the Intersectional Amplification of Barriers to College Internships is a comparative case study analysis of five students from a comprehensive, urban Hispanic-Serving Institution whose experiences exemplify a coordination of intersectional factors that amplify barriers to internship participation.
Peter Mosher (MIPA ’21) has joined the Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau as a fiscal analyst. While at the La Follette School, he was a project assistant for Professor Mark Copelovitch. He also co-founded a nonprofit organization that provides consulting, connection-building, and fundraising services to social enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa.