This course equips students with the tools to tackle issues that involve the empirical analysis of public policy problems of the sort they might encounter in a professional environment. Specifically, the course introduces students to the use of multiple regression analysis for analyzing data. The emphasis is on empirical applications.
Graduate Course
PA 820 Community Economic Analysis
Economic theory (location and growth) applicable to community economic development; the role of private and public sector in local economic development, and techniques for economic analysis of community.
PA 827 Administrative Internship
Students may receive up to three graduate course credits by successfully completing PA 827 Administrative Internship. Enrollment may be during the fall, spring, or summer terms, and must be approved by the Career Services Coordinator.
PA 850 International Governance
Examines influences arising from international environment on policymakers and those seeking to influence policymaking. Considers role of global economic forces, international and regional organizations, international civil society reflected in non-governmental organizations, and flow of policies across borders.
PA 854 Macroeconomic Policy and International Financial Regulation
This course surveys international macroeconomics, with special reference to international monetary policy and international financial market architecture.
PA 856 Trade, Competition, and Governance in a Global Economy
This course provides an introduction to international trade policy. Its purpose is to provide students with an understanding of international trade theory, rules, politics and institutions and the major policy issues facing the global trading system. The first part of the course presents a treatment of the theory of international trade. It explores the rationale for free trade, the distributional impact of trade, the impact of tariffs and quotas, and the challenges presented by deeper international economic integration.
PA 857 Political Economy of Corruption and Good Governance
Surveys wide range of multidisciplinary research on causes and consequences of widespread corruption and experiences of anticorruption reform strategies, with focus on developing countries.
PA 860 Workshop in International Public Affairs
Workshop in program evaluation and policy analysis taught through student teams working on real-world international issues for agencies in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Teaches analytical skills, report preparation and writing, and presentation of results.
PA 863 Health Systems and Policy
This course offers a survey of health care and public health systems, with a particular focus on factors and policies that influence health equity and disparities in the United States.
PA 864 Health Policy and Policy Design
A survey course on health-care policy in the United States, including examination of the design of health policy and the politics of health care reform.