Page Bazan

Credentials: Communications Specialist


Phone: 608-265-7956

1404 Sterling Hall
475 N Charter St
Madison, WI 53706

Profile photo of Page Bazan


Page Bazan assists with the La Follette School’s communications efforts, including website content, social media, email messaging, and graphic design. He joined the La Follette School in January 2021 in a new position funded by the Kohl Initiative. Drawing on his digital communications expertise, Page strives to connect and grow the La Follette School’s community.

Previously, Page served as communications coordinator for UW–Madison’s Energy Analysis and Policy program and worked with the NASA-funded Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team as their digital media specialist. He also led marketing at a real estate brokerage in Ketchum, Idaho.

Page earned a bachelor’s degree from UW–Madison, double majoring in international studies and religious studies, and received certificates in African studies and Southeast Asian studies. He first learned to love communications work as a student marketing coordinator with UW–Madison’s Study Abroad office.

In his spare time, Page enjoys biking and hiking around Wisconsin and cooking food from around the world. He grew up in Madison and loves being close to family and friends.