WI State Senator Chris Larson’s Office (District 7)

Internship Location: Madison WI

Organization Type: State Government

Policy Areas: All types state and federal legislative government

I interned with State Senator Chris Larson starting in Summer and will continue through Fall 2024. From a diverse collection of office staffers to a fantastic and friendly Senate Democratic caucus, I had plenty of opportunity to make important, life-long connections, and learn. Within Larson’s office, I helped constituents with casework, responded to their correspondences, and spoke to them over the phone. I did weekly legislative door-to-door campaigns to inform constituents of the services the office offers and to let them know that they can get involved in the way legislation is shaped in the WI legislature. I also did frequent outreach outings to meet staffers in other offices beyond my own, such as to a Madison Mallards baseball game or to a park for a picnic. I was also loaned to Representative Christine Sinicki’s office (20th district, Bay View/Cudahy/St Francis) to help put together a labor news digest for the WI Democrat Labor Workgroup, an internal legislative caucus that needed up-to-date information on active labor news across the country. The main thing I learned there is that I have to put myself out there to make connections; this important lesson will definitely carry through to my future endeavors.