
Internship Location: Remote

Organization Type: Nonprofit

Policy Areas:  Public Health; Civic Health; Civic Engagement

In my internship experience at Vot-ER, I learned about the intersections between public health and civic engagement. It taught me how to effectively communicate and conduct research in the policy world. I was surprised at how much of an impact a nonprofit could have in the policy sector, and it emphasized the power of community in igniting change. It was so valuable to get hands-on experience in Vot-ER’s work during their busiest season of the 2024 election. My coursework in La Follette classes like Public Affairs 200 or Public Affairs 240 helped solidify my evidence-based research skills and overall policy knowledge to be successful in this role. It allowed me to see how my coursework could play out in the real world, which definitely shifted my perspective on my skills, strengths, and weaknesses for a future career. I would recommend this internship to anyone interested in public health and in seeing how policy is enacted at different levels (e.g. local, institutional, state, and federal).