
Internship Location: Remote

Organization Type: Private Sector

Policy Areas: Health policy

Throughout my internship, I have learned a lot about the health insurance industry and how it is priced. La Follette has prepared me for this by teaching me the background of health policy in America and this internship furthered my knowledge and understanding of those processes. I learned a lot about Mental Health in health insurance policies and how to ensure that there is equal treatment of mental health and medical services in insurance plans. This internship will help me with my future career as I have learned a lot of background into insurance pricing and plan information, and La Follette has given me background in the policy and framework behind it. What was most valuable to me in this internship was learning the whys of what we do. I learned Excel and VBA and coding skills, but most importantly I learned about what I was using them for. I think that understanding what I was working on, which for the majority of the internship was Mental Health Parity, was more important to me than the coding skills I got out of it. I would definitely recommend my internship and any internship at UnitedHealth because you will learn valuable technical skills, but they also support learning about who they are as a company and how they embark on their missions. I would recommend a future intern to also understand the background of what you are working on because it makes the work more valuable to you and your company.