Internship Location: Madison WI
Organization Type: Nonprofit
Policy Areas: Social Justice, evidence based policy making, public health, environment, election education
I learned a lot during my time at The Wisco Project. First, I learned how to communicate more effectively with my coworkers and supervisors. This was directly linked to the professional communication skills I gathered at the La Follette school. I also learned more about the policymaking process which is related to the PA courses I’ve taken at the UW. What surprised me most was the need to adapt in the workspace, especially when new challenges arose. I thought it was more important to see projects through to completion, but now I understand the ability to pivot is just as important as dedication. I found the networks I built and the connections I made with other policy professionals to be the most valuable aspect of this position and I would definitely recommend working on a campaign to other students. This internship made me think a lot about my future career path, as working in the state legislature may be entirely different than working on a campaign. Overall, this job gave me a taste of the campaign organizer life and made me appreciate all the little moments in my internship, even if we were not successful in our campaign attempts.