Internship Location: Madison WI
Organization Type: State Government
Policy Areas: Environment, Health, Public Safety
I’ve had a great internship experience so far and look forward to continuing it next semester. I have learned so much about how the state legislature works, the responsibilities of elected officials, and the different processes involved with creating and implementing public policy in the government. I was surprised that, as an intern, I had the opportunity to draft bills for the Senator for him to consider proposing in this upcoming legislative session. What originally intrigued me about applying for the internship was that I will be a constituent of Senator Smith’s district once the maps change in January, and being able to represent the voice of my community has been such an incredible opportunity. I recommend that any student looking into politics or policy-making should intern with their district’s elected officials to have the same opportunity to represent their community as I did. Thanks to this internship, I gained a lot of insight into a career in public administration, which has helped change my career goals.