Sex Out Loud

Internship Location: Madison WI

Organization Type: Nonprofit

Policy Areas: Social Justice and Sex Education

As the event coordinator for Sex Out Loud I have gained insight into the policy implementation process of sex education policies within the University of Wisconsin Madison. Further, I gained insight on how to best approach sex education at the collegiate level. By being involved in the policy implementation process of an organization that was initially a university program, I have been able to better understand how policies are implemented and the ways to improve the policy implementation process. One thing that surprised me about this internship was how difficult it can be to work with outside organizations to plan events. This challenge allowed me to develop better interpersonal communication and advocacy skills. The most valuable knowledge I have gained from this internship would be how to advocate for myself and for others. I would absolutely recommend this internship opportunity to others as it provided me with knowledge about sex education and about our university. Furthermore, being involved in sex education was extremely empowering and taught me a lot about sexual health and sexual health advocacy. This internship prepared me for a successful career in the health policy sector as it provided me with health advocacy skills and knowledge of existing healthcare policies.