Internship Location: Madison WI
Organization Type: Nonprofit
Policy Areas: Social welfare, local government
My internship at Ex-incarcerated People Organizing (EXPO) has been incredibly impactful, providing me with valuable insights into the world of policy and hands-on applications of the tools and strategies I learned in my policy courses. EXPO has provided me with the opportunity to explore my passions in evidence-based policymaking within criminal justice reform. This experience has deepened my understanding of the process involved in drafting and advocating for policy reforms to tackle critical issues in Wisconsin’s criminal justice system, such as mass incarceration and reentry barriers. This internship, alongside the course, will support my future career aspirations in criminal justice research and policy advocacy to create a more equitable incarceration system in the United States. I recommend this internship to anyone passionate about criminal justice policy reform and seeking firsthand experience in driving systemic change.