Clean Lakes Alliance

Internship Location: Madison WI

Organization Type: Nonprofit

Policy Areas:  Education/Environment

Throughout the summer semester, I worked as an Education and Outreach Intern for the local nonprofit Clean Lakes Alliance. My work experience engaged with all components of the organization and policy work. I attended and participated in high-level strategic planning meetings, facilitated fundraising events, applied for grants, wrote letters for our annual campaign (which reaches 10,000 people throughout the Madison area) to solicit donations, and then spent 20+ hours stuffing those letters, sorting through our office, and delivering yard signs. A large part of my position was to pursue project leads to see if they were something the staff should follow in greater detail. This work came from data analysis and research into things such as local municipalities’ regulations regarding rain barrels and the metrics of social media interactions. Generally, I worked as support staff to the organization’s more grassroots elements. The position required flexibility to adapt to different demands and taught me about the efforts that go into advancing a nonprofit’s mission. I will be leaving my current post with greater self-awareness, the ability to advocate for myself and my cause, and communication skills. It has been a great experience and I would recommend a similar position to anyone interested in seeing the inner workings of a nonprofit!