Internship Location: Madison
Organization Type: State Government
Policy Areas: Health (behavioral)
I had a tremendous time during my internship learning about the intricacies of the Bureau of Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery. As someone who had aspirations to work in behavioral health policy, I was extremely pleased with the environment I found myself in. I learned about the funding streams making up crisis programs, substance use services, and other programs centered around children, youth, and families. I was surprised at the fact that Wisconsin differs from other states in that their programs are structured at the county level- this created a unique learning experience. It was valuable to me to have a seat at the table of so many planning meetings for decisions being made on behalf of the state. It was also very valuable to begin to learn how to achieve success within a state government. While I have a lot to learn regarding the components (funding, types of entities providing services, etc.) of the behavioral health landscape in Wisconsin, this internship really solidified the fact that this is the field I would like to pursue. The Department of Health Services was a very welcoming environment to join and I will take skills in policy writing, research, and communication with me.