Internship Location: Singapore
Organization Type: Nonprofit
Policy Areas: Environment
My research internship with a professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore was an invaluable experience in my pursuit towards an academic career. I worked on two research projects during my internship: on U.S. local climate governance and on the policy diffusion of environmental policies. Both projects were in their early stages, which allowed me to be involved in the formative and iterative processes of crafting, refining, and implementing hypotheses, survey questions, and entire research designs. The projects were also a good substantive fit to my coursework and research interests, allowing me to apply and extend my knowledge on environmental policies, survey methods, and theories in political science. Most intangibly yet importantly for me, working with and seeing the thought processes of an academic at work gave me first-hand insights on the best practices and paths in the academic journey I seek to pursue.