Seminar Series | Recent Insights from Diversity Science

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Sterling Hall, conference room 1328
@ 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
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UW–Madison Professor Markus Brauer will present his research and answer questions as part of our Seminar Series.

About the seminar

Research that uses rigorous scientific methods to study issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion is often referred to as “diversity science.” Dr. Brauer will share recent findings from this fast-growing discipline.

Recent evaluation studies, many of them involving large-scale randomized controlled trials in the field, have shown that numerous pro-diversity initiatives are ineffective, and some have even turned out to be counterproductive. In addition, organizations’ diversity efforts focus increasingly on retention (promoting inclusion) rather than solely on recruitment (eliminating discrimination).

The question is: How can we get people to behave in an inclusive, welcoming manner? By harvesting insights from public health, behavioral economics, social marketing, and clinical psychology, it is possible to design interventions that reliably change people’s behaviors towards members of other social groups.

Dr. Brauer will describe some recent examples of pro-diversity interventions that have been shown to be effective. He will also report on current initiatives of UW-Madison’s Institute for Diversity Science.

About the speaker

Markus Brauer is a professor in the Department of Psychology, with secondary affiliations at the Wisconsin School of Business and the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He conducts both basic and applied research on the social aspects of human cognition and behavior. He develops and tests interventions to change people’s behaviors in a variety of domains, such as diversity, energy consumption, and health behaviors. He serves as the Executive Director of the University of Wisconsin’s Institute for Diversity Science and Research Director of the Wisconsin Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation


La Follette School of Public Affairs


Dana Craig,

Portrait of Markus Brauer