Seminar Series | “Transgender Earnings Gaps in the United States: Evidence from Administrative Data”

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Sterling Hall, conference room 1328
@ 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
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Vanderbilt University Professor Kitt Carpenter will present for the Seminar Series.

About Kitt Carpenter

Kitt Carpenter is a Professor of Economics at Vanderbilt University who studies the effects of public policies on health and family outcomes. He is the Founder and Director of the Vanderbilt LGBTQ+ Policy Lab and Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the American Economic Association’s Committee on the Status of LGBTQ+ Individuals in the Economics Profession.

About the paper

We provide the first evidence on transgender earnings in the US using administrative data on over 55,000 individuals who changed their gender marker with the Social Security Administration and had gender-congruent first name changes on tax records. We validate and describe this sample which exhibits positive selection likely associated with the ability to legally affirm gender. To address selection we estimate transgender earnings gaps using timing variation within-person and variation across siblings and co-workers. All three approaches return evidence of robust transgender earnings penalties of 6-13 log points driven by extensive and intensive margin differences.


La Follette School of Public Affairs,


Héctor Pifarré i Arolas,